‘There I am running rivers of sweat down my neck, down my chest, down my belly and through my shirt, and I'm dancing harder than I've ever danced to a rock band.’.‘I proceeded along the jagged ridges staring down into a river of a boiling red substance.’.‘The young man was sweating profusely rivers of it were flowing down his pale face.’.‘The nature was beautiful, mountains, rivers, lakes and blooming Sakura trees.’.‘Glaciers and snowfields are essential stores of water - which keep rivers running and fields irrigated through the long, dry summer.’.‘Above me, the sky was grey and overcast, the rain pelting down upon the rocky mountainside in steady sheets, running down to feed the rivers and lakes.’.‘The river itself hummed with natural energy, crystal clear water darkening to a thick indigo to show its depth.’.‘Some farmers rely on alternative water sources, such as wells, other streams or rivers.’.‘The rye plants capture and hold nutrients and moisture in place, reducing the amount that reaches rivers, streams and ground water.’.‘Record temperatures dried up wells, rivers and streams and resulted in water crises in 11 of India's 31 states.’.‘The small streams became raging rivers, which flowed flawlessly into many lakes.’.‘Water is obtained from lakes, rivers, and wells and must be carried over great distances.’.‘With hundreds of lakes and rivers, you could sail and water ski the day away without even coming close to the coast.’.‘The draining of water from rivers and watersheds for irrigation leads to drier natural habitats.’.

‘The network of canals, rivers and lakes in Holland is thousands of miles long, and since all the Dutch waterways are connected, it makes for the perfect boating holiday.’.

#Define rive professional#
By creating a strong analogy within the professional medical literature between the United States and the ancient Mediterranean, and especially between Philadelphia and Athens, late eighteenth century American physicians helped to construct a neoclassical conceptualization of the national identity. Physicians in late eighteenth century Philadelphia used ancient medical theory -namely Hippocratic notions of environmental health, the writings of Galen on regimen, and Thucydides' description of social disintegration during the Athenian Plague- to understand and interpret the population health problems of their day.

Not only in politics and the arts, but also in the realm of medicine, individuals employed classical thought to suggest that the ancient, exalted civilizations of Greece and Rome had been reborn in North America. In the post-Revolutionary period, the United States bloomed with an interest in the classical world, as the nation collectively sought to define its sovereign identity against the models of ancient democracies and republics.